Happy holidays! Unless you hate Christmas and live next to a house blaring music like this.
WARNING: video may induce epileptic seizure.
home and office computer support for D.C., Virginia & Maryland
Happy holidays! Unless you hate Christmas and live next to a house blaring music like this.
WARNING: video may induce epileptic seizure.
If you use iTunes and need more control of your podcasts, click on the Settings… tab at the bottom of the iTunes Podcasts page. This gives you the ability to choose download and retention settings. You can set a default and per-podcast setting.
Set a default podcast setting that applies to most of your podcasts, by first choosing:
The individual control of podcasts was added a year ago in iTunes 8 but most people didn’t notice the addition. Now you can, for example, automatically keep only the latest of your news programs while keeping all of your story podcasts.
Some podcasts are released in batches. For example, NPR’s Dianne Rehm’s Friday News Roundup podcasts are released two at a time on Friday. Therefore I set it to Download all instead of the most recent one. If I only downloaded the most recent, I would miss one of the shows.
You might also want to Download all if you only sync occasionally and want the most recent files, instead of the most recent podcast and an older podcast from when you last synced.
I find that if you change a podcast to keep only the Last X number of episodes, this does not go into effect immediately, but it eventually goes into effect after a podcast is refreshed.
Why you should buy a home theater projector
Screen size. For the ultimate large screen (100+ inch) theater experience, a front projector is the only solution under $80,000. There are large LCD, Plasma, and rear-projector televisions, but none over 100 inches that can practically be purchased or fit through your door.
Why you should not buy a projector
Researching a projector
Some things to consider
My current favorite
A TV is a personal choice depending on your needs, room environment, and budget. My favorite at the moment is the Epson Home Cinema 8100 (see a review at ProjectorReviews.com) because it has:
I also recommend the Mitsubishi HC3800. It uses DLP technology instead of the Epson’s LCD, which leads to these trade-off’s: Pros: great colors, smaller body. Cons: louder fan, minor rainbow effect which some people notice and some don’t (caused by the DLP’s spinning color wheel).
Where to buy
As with other electronics, there are better deals if you shop online instead of going to Best Buy. I usually start at Amazon, but there are many online stores that will provide competitive pricing.
Software to help find dead pixels
When you get a new monitor or laptop, it is good to see if there are any stuck or dead pixels. The easiest way to find problem pixels is to display solid colors and look over the screen. You have to look at it yourself since the software can’t actually detect if there is a hardware problem with the monitor.
This free software displays solid colors for you to find dead pixels.
For Windows – Dead Pixel Tester
For Mac – PiXel Check
What if you have dead pixels?
Dead pixels can sometimes be fixed by gently massaging them in a circular motion. In my experience, this works about 20% of the time. Most manufacturers will accept returns if you have a certain number of dead pixels.
Shoppin’ Time
It’s an important tradition in the US, spending time with family and going shopping.
For information on 2009 Black Friday deals, see bfads.net and slickdeals.net.
But be careful to look at yourself in the mirror. You don’t want to look like the People of Walmart (warning: site contains partially clothed unattractive people).